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Update & News Dark Dragon Lienage 2 High Five server

Update & game news 25.06.2022

Připravili jsme myslím skvělý před-prázdninový Update. Ani jsem nečekal, že to dáme dohromady…

I think we’ve put together a great pre-holiday Update. I didn’t even expect us to put it together…

Game Updates

  1. Geo-Engine cleaning unnecessary calculations during monster movement
  2. minor change protector settings
  3. deploying a one-week server reboot
    – the server will automatically restart every Saturday at 7.10 a.m.
    – we will use the same date and time for server and game update
  4. fix picking Zariche/Akamanah from the ground

Game new

  1. the chance to drop Dragon books has been increased by 100%
  2. launching the event “the temptation of fortune” / Event pokušení štěstěny

more info about Event, on our website in Events

Děkujeme všem, že pomáháte tvořit náš skvělý a zábavný server.

Thank you all for helping to make our server great and fun.